Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
When you have finished creating your event registration, it is time to decide whether you will be using the open or the personal registration link to direct people to the registration. The open link can be published in any media, newsletter or e-mail, but personal registration links may only be sent directly to the invitees from Lyyti.
Open link
The event's open registration link (in the form of can be:
- sent out from your own e-mail to a contact list
- sent to an Outlook group
- published on a website or in print
- Participants may forward the link and it can be used for as many registrations as the event's maximum capacities allow.
When should you use the open link?
Use the open link when you are not sending invitations from Lyyti, when you wish to allow forwarding the invitation or you don't know who exactly might be interested in the event (for example invitations to a concert or other event open to the public.
If you are sending invitations with an open registration link we recommend adding it as a hyperlink instead of a button because the link behind a button may disappear when participants forward the email.
Read more about open registration link here.
Duplicate registrations?
When using open registration links, Lyyti doesn't automatically recognise whether or not a person has already registered to an event. In some cases this may be useful, say if a parent wanted to register two children to the same summer camp, using his/her personal e-mail address. You can, however, if necessary limit registrations so that the same address may be used only once per event. To do this, edit the e-mail question on the registration page and select Only one registration with the same e-mail address allowed (more info here).
When using open registration links, it is not possible to send a targeted reminder to those that haven't replied yet, since Lyyti does not know who the link has been sent and/or which of the recipients has registered (open registrations are not linked to already existing participants in Lyyti).
Personal link
Use personal registration links if only the person that receives the invitation / e-mail is definitely allowed to register.
If your list of participants that you wish to invite to your event is very specific, or you want to track which participants have registered and who hasn't yet reacted, the personal registration link is your best option. In that case you can import the list of invitees from an Excel-list, and send an invitation through Lyyti where you've added a personal registration link. The link is added to a Lyyti e-mail by clicking the text editor's menu Participant information and selecting Personal registration link (how to add personalisations to e-mail).
When should I use the open link?
- If you want that the participant sees their information prefilled once they arrive on the registration page. They'll see all the information you've imported into Lyyti and selected to be shown on the registration page.
- The participant cannot change their e-mail address, since it is automatically locked. This is what makes the registration personal and it cannot be changed to another person.
- You can also prevent editing the first and last name (go to Registration page > edit question > uncheck "The participant can modify the answer after confirmation").
- Once a participant registers via their personal link, their status changes from not reacted to registered.
To read more about how to send invitations from Lyyti, click here.
Please note that in group registration it is only possible to import group's contact persons from Excel.
If you used personal registration links in the invitation, you also imported the list of invitees (participants) into Lyyti. Because of this Lyyti also knows who has registered to the event and who hasn't replied to the invitation yet and you can send them a targeted reminder. Also, if an invitee responds that they are not coming or cancels their registration, they won't receive reminders or other messaging concerning the event.
To see how to remind not-reacted contact persons in group registration, click here.
You can also use both links at the same time. If you have a list of invitees but they are allowed to invite other people to the event, send an invitation from Lyyti and add both the personal and open registration link with information on that the participant can share the open link to other people they'd wish to invite to the event.
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