This feature can be used with the following license packs: Basic, Professional, Enterprise
It is possible to create products with different kinds of prices for different participants. How you build the chargeable products depends on a couple of things. Let's say that you have a participant type, Guest, who is paying for participating in the event, and an Organizer, who doesn't need to pay.
- If you have products that share a capacity for both participant types, but are free for Organizer and chargeable for Guest, use a campaign code. As an example:
Create a question: Do you need transportation by bus --> capacity for the bus is 50, whether or not you are paying for the fare. You can't create separate questions for the two participant types, as you can't tell in advance how many participants you have from each participant type. With a campaign code you can set that the price for the bus is normally 15€, but with a campaign code it's free. - If you don't have chargeable products that share a capacity, use chargeable participant types from the Settings page.
Set the Organizer participant type to be free of charge, or create questions for them on the registration page that do not include charges. Then set the Guest participant type to be chargeable, or create chargeable questions for them on the registration page. You can set the Organizer participant type to be not public.
Create a personalized registration link for Organizers in the section Registration link. You can send this link to all the organizers you want to register to the event. If you plan to import participants to Lyyti, remember to import them one participant type at a time. That way you can send them a personalized registration link from Lyyti, that will lead them to the correct participant type automatically. More information on participant types can be found in the articles Create participant types sekä Registration links by participant types.
When you create a campaign code, the first price you have set for a product is the default price. The default price is what the participant will see when they are registering without a campaign code. You can change the default price later on.
Add campaign code:
- Go to Payments > Prices > Edit Campaign Codes
- Add campagn code
- Fill in Name of the code and your campaign code > Save
- Campaign code is in its own column. Click on the price to edit it.
It's easy to control price changes with campaign codes for example when you wish that your products will have Early bird -pricing for a specific time period.
You can create two prices for the chargeable products: normal price and Early bird price.
Set the Early bird -price as a default pricing. And when it is time to set normal pricing as default, you can edit the pricing in Payments - Prices
You can read more about Early bird -prices from this article
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