This feature can be used with the following license packs: (Starter), Basic, Professional, Enterprise
This article contains the following sections:
Payout reports for Stripe Credit Cards and iDeal
Payout reports for Finnish online payments (Paytrail)
Payout reports for Stripe Credit Cards and iDeal
When using Stripe as a payment method in Lyyti, you'll always find a report of the money transferred to you. By default, the report is created once a month (last day of each month). Each reports includes all events and payments in the given payout period.
Reports are generated provided that there have been transactions during the previous period. In Lyyti, these receipts can be found in the top navigation bar under Finance > Reports > Stripe: Payout reports.
The report list view includes essential information for each report. Contents:
- Date of creation
- Estimated arrival of the money to your bank
- Total sum of the money transfer
- Total sum of commission
- Transfer ID
- Possibility to download report as CSV
Reports show all transactions made during the previous period. Each Report is downloadable in Excel-compatible CSV-format.
N.B. Due to regional differencies, some Excel versions might use comma as decimal separator. If you have problems with CVS reports in Excel, you'll find help from "CVS reports and Excel-problems" -article.
Each purchased product or item has it's own row and following details:
- Time and Date of creation
- Payment method (E.g Stripe card)
- Event name
- Internal project information for accounting
- Total (no data, title column/row)
- Product Name
- Product amount
- Total charge
- VAT amount
- VAT rate
- Currency
- Stripe's fee
- Lyyti's fee
- VAT for Lyyti's fee
- Total fees
- Total payout sum
- Payout currency
- Lyyti payment ID
- Participant's ID
- Participant's first name
- Participant's last name
- Participant's email
You may send these reports to your company's financial department if they need more information about payments.
A complete example CSV file of the payout report can be found attached to the bottom of this article.
Payout reports for Finnish online payments (Paytrail)
When you are using online payment methods provided by Paytrail, you'll find a receipt or a report of the money transferred to you by Paytrail. Payout reports are found in Finance > Reports > Paytrail: Payout reports. Each report includes all company events and payments in the given payout period. Reports are generated based on Paytrail's payout cycle. You can also find payout reports in your Paytrail Merchant's panel.
Paytrail will account payments.
Settlement delays according to payment methods are:
- (Finnish) Online bank payments: 1 business day
- Card payments and MobilePay payments: 5 business days
Payout reports of Paytrail-payments include the following information:
- Creation date and time
- Payment method (for examle paytrail_osuuspankki or paytrail_mobilepay)
- Name of the event
- Project *(project info for example for account ledger personnel)
- Inner order *
- Bookkeeping account *
- VAT-code*
- Total
- Name of product
- Amount of product
- Payment status
- Reference number
- Order number
- Charged
- VAT share
- VAT rate
- Currency
- Transaction fee
- Commission fee
- VAT fee
- Total paid out
- Paid out currency
- Tilityksen valuutta
- Lyytin payment ID
- Parcipant ID
- Participant's first name
- Participant's surname
- Participant's email address
*) This info is defined event specifically in event's Payment > Overview page
Payout report in Excel looks like this, for example:
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