Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
To view participant's payments on the Participants page, click on Columns to select what kind of payment information you want to see.
- Open payments
- Payments paid
- Payments in total
- Credit notes
How payments are shown, depends on the payment method:
- Online bank or credit card payments are automatically paid
- Invoices: First, they are open
- If you have activated the Accounts Ledger Service, once the payment is made, you will see it in Lyyti on the next banking day
- If you have not activated the Accounts Ledger Service, you need to add the transaction by hand into Lyyti's Finance-section
To get more detailed information about participant payments, receipts and payment methods, View or Edit that participant's information on the Participants page.
Open payments, payments paid and payments in total can also be included in reports (more information).
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