If you need to send messages from Lyyti to your participants, you need to have Lyyti's standard e-mail question and/or mobile phone number question on your registration page. The standard e-mail question is used for sending e-mails and confirmation messages and, similarly, all SMS messages are sent to the standard mobile phone number question.
Note! You cannot use self-made phone number or e-mail questions for messaging.
How can I tell whether a question is a standard question or self-made? Click here.
If you have deleted the standard question, you can add it from Standard questions at the bottom of the registration page.
The pricing of SMS messages
Text messages / SMS confirmation messages are invoiced every 3 months, the minimum invoice-able fee is 20€ and if that is not achieved the sum will be bumped to the next invoice.
One message costs 0,11 € per recipient and 160 characters count for one message. When you write an SMS, you can include 5 messages in one SMS - thus, this message would cost 0,55 € per recipient.
The length of one text message is counted as follows:
- 0-160 characters = 1 message
- 161-306 characters = 2 messages
- 307-459 characters = 3 messages
- 460-612 characters = 4 messages
- 613-765 characters = 5 messages
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