When filtering recipients, you choose filters or rules according to which the message is sent to a specific group of recipients, or to participants that have selected certain options.
Filtering examples:
All those who have selected Workshop1 or Workshop 2.
All those registered in English that need transportation.
All those from Turku that are left-handed and own a dog or cat, but not the ones that own a horse.
Use filtering to create the whole messaging process in advance and schedule messages to be sent to the correct recipients. When the message is sent, Lyyti checks who matches the filtering at that particular moment.
This article contains the following sections:
Quick filter
Select a quick filter by clicking a filtering:
Filter by given answers
First, select a question as a basis for the filter (I will participate in the following sections). Then, select an answer/option that participants must have for them to be included as recipients (Afternoon workshops). Make sure that you have the correct function between the two: IS (answer is), and click Add filter.
What do these functions mean: Is, Is not, Is specified, Is not specified, Contains, Does not contain, Greater than, Smaller than.
To help understand the functions, in your mind, add the words "participant's answer" before the function:
- I will participate in the following sections - (participant's answer) Is not - Workshop 3 > result: everyone expect the ones going to workshop 3.
- E-mail address - (participant's answer) Contains - lyyti.fi > result: participants with lyyti.fi in their e-mail address
- Is specified and Is not specified: has a participant answered anything to this question? This is useful if you add a question when registration is already open and you need to send messages to those who have registered before this question was added:
[New question] - (participant's answer) Is not specified
Several filters in the same filtering: AND and OR filters
"AND" filters narrow down the results more effectively. If you want to have recipients that have selected both the morning lecture and the afternoon workshops, add the following filtering:
Add the first filter for the morning lecture > click Add AND filter > add the second filter.
"OR" filters make the search wider. If you want to have recipients that have chosen either the morning lecture or the afternoon workshops, add the following filtering:
Add the first filter for the morning lecture > click Add OR filter > add the second filter.
So which is correct? Think of it from the participant's perspective, what they may have chosen:
- If there are three workshops at the same time, can the participant select Workshop 1 AND workshop 2? No. If you want to send a message to those attending either one of those, add an OR filter.
- Can the participant be both registered and declined? No. If you want to send a message to the ones that have registered or declined/cancelled, add an OR filter.
- Can the participant be both from Turku and a dog owner? Yes. Send a message to dog owners from Turku by adding an AND filter.
AND and OR in the same filtering
Now this is quite deep already, so read carefully! You can create groups of AND conditions that are related with an OR condition. For example, for all left handed dog or cat owners from turku, but not the ones owning a horse, add the following filters:
Participants must meet all the conditions in the first filtering or all the ones in the second filtering, for them to be added as recipients.
Not sure how to do this?
Don't worry! You can always contact our customer service, if you're not sure how to create a specific filtering. :)
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