Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
Notice texts are simple text fields, not actual question fields that can be answered to. Use notice texts to:
- bring structure to a long registration page.
- create headers or paragraphs
- give instructions to the registrant or otherwise clarify the form.
Actual questions on the registration page should be short and concise, with all clarifying comments added as notice texts above or below the question.
Notice texts, as well as questions and attachments, may be shown on the registration page according to:
- Language
- Click on the pencil icon to edit a question / notice text. With the setting Who can see this question > By registration page language select where you want the notice text to be shown: just on the registration page in English or also on the registration pages in other languages.
- Participant types
- Notice texts may also be shown by participant type by selecting the desired participant types Who can see this question > By participant type
- This can also be done by ticking/unticking the box on each participant type's column on the registration page
Please note that notice texts are not automatically included in the confirmation message. If necessary, they can be included by editing the confirmation message settings.
Personalizing the confirmation message for different participant types with notice texts
If you're using participant types in the event and you need to specify the confirmation message for each participant type, you can use hidden notice texts.
Write a notice text, unselect all languages in the notice text's settings:
- In Who can see this question > By registration page language > deselect all languages
- And in Who can see this question > By participant type > Select desired participant types
Include the notice text into the confirmation message with the following steps:
Confirmation > Automatic content > Participant information > Select the option Select > tick the box(es) for the information text to be added to the confirmation message. Save.
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