Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
Adding a condition to a question means that a question is asked/shown to the registrant only if a previous question has been answered in a certain way. Use this option e.g. when you need to find out about food allergies only from those who have chosen to attend a dinner, or to ask about a preferred roommate only if the participant has indicated that they will need accommodation.
Conditions simplify the registration page and guide the registrant's answers. The principle is the same whether you are creating an event or a survey in Lyyti.
N.B. You cannot condition questions to the standard question about participation.
However, from the following questions' settings, you can choose if the question is shown to everybody or just those who are (or are not) participating.
Adding a condition:
- Select the question that is meant to be shown IF a certain answer is given to a previous question. Click on the blue conditions icon (in the image below, you would click on the Special diet question)
- In the first drop-down menu, select the question that is asked previously and that you would like to link to this question, e.g. select "Will you participate in the dinner", and then its answer "Yes". In multiple choice questions and free textfields the condition may be either equal to or unequal to the given answer. If you have Quantity question type, the option may also be smaller than or greater than.
- Click Add condition. You can also add several conditions, if necessary.
- Finally, click Save.
- Now the previously blue condition icon has turned green to signify that there is a condition in place for the question.
This is the logic behind conditions: question #2 (Food restrictions) is shown only if the answer to the question #1 (Will you participate in the lunch session) is equal to X (Yes).
Please Note!
You cannot change the order of questions that are linked to other questions with conditions, since they must be in logical order. We suggest you create all your necessary questions first, arrange them in the right order and then add conditions.
You can add several conditions to a question. E.g. food allergies are asked if the participant is coming to lunch OR dinner. Similarly, evening activities in Turku may be offered only to those that will take part in the training in Turku AND are interested in the evening program.
Edit conditions by clicking on the green condition icon, make the necessary changes and save.
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