Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
In addition to confirmation e-mails, Lyyti can also send SMS confirmations. This, of course, requires that the participant has given their mobile phone number (and that the mobile phone question is a Standard question). The message is always sent from the number 16130 and it is a one-way number. Replies to that number won't go anywhere, so remember to add your own sender information at the end of the SMS.
SMS messages can be personalised in the same way as e-mails, for example:
"Hi %RECEIVER_FIRSTNAME%, which John would receive as "Hi John".
You can find all the personalisation codes just above the SMS field: Personalise text.
Send SMS also to the declined
You can also send a confirmation SMS to the declined (/cancelled) participants, it works the same way as the normal SMS confirmation.
The pricing of SMS messages
Text messages / SMS confirmation messages are invoiced every 3 months, the minimum invoice-able fee is 20€ and if that is not achieved the sum will be bumped to the next invoice.
One message costs 0,11 € per recipient and 160 characters count for one message. When you write an SMS, you can include 5 messages in one SMS - thus, this message would cost 0,55 € per recipient.
The length of one text message is counted as follows:
- 0-160 characters = 1 message
- 161-306 characters = 2 messages
- 307-459 characters = 3 messages
- 460-612 characters = 4 messages
- 613-765 characters = 5 messages
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