Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
You can manage all invoice in the Finance-section of Lyyti. In there, you can search for invoices from all events, run reports, handle failed reference transfer payments and send out payment reminders. Please note that the Finance-section is for the whole company, i.e it will show all invoices created by any Lyyti user within your company.
The main page of Finance is the Search for invoices-page. On this page, you can search for invoices with different search criteria:
- the participant's name or their company's name
- event or organizer's name
- invoice number
- invoice reference number
- status of invoice
- a specific time period
When pressing the Search-button, Lyyti will show you all invoices that match your search. If you don't put in any search criteria, the Search-button will list all the invoices in Finance. The button Show overdue invoices show all invoices that are unpaid and overdue.
The search results will show the basic information on the invoices, and you can do the following things here:
- You can select one or all invoices and send a message to the invoice recipients (6). You can send a payment reminder if you selected to list all overdue invoices.
- From the view-image (paper sheet) you can see the invoice information, create a credit note, add a transaction, modify the due date or create a copy of the invoice.
- The PDF-icon will show the PDF-version of the invoice.
- Billing channel will tell you whether the invoice has been sent as an email, in paper format or as an e-invoice.
- The last column Invoice status will tell you whether the invoice is open, paid, paid in part or if it's a credit note. When it's a paper invoice or e-invoice you can also see if it has been sent or not, in which case the information is found after the word Open, e.g. "Open (sent)"
- You can send e-mail messages to the invoice recipients.
- You can also open the list as
- PDF/Excel. This will open the invoice list as a PDF-file or as an Excel file.
- Open all as one PDF-file. This will create a PDF-file, where you can see each individual invoice on a separate page.
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