How does Lyyti guarantee that my emails get delivered?
Many customers often ask what is our email delivery rate. Unfortunately no email sender in the world can give a percent or a ratio of emails that they are able to deliver.
Wether an email gets delivered depends on multiple factors, such as the email content, sending technology and methods and the reputation of the sender. Reputation is counted by several different services that measure how well the sender reacts to spam complaints. Most important factors in delivery however are the quality of the recipient lists that our customers use and how the recipient email providers wants to deliver the emails.
Most email filtering is done in the recipient's end, where we, or any other sender, have little, if any, control over how the email is delivered.
Email delivery, in general, can be a complicated matter. Sending email by the millions every month requires sophisticated systems and processes. Even though Lyyti utilises industry best practices, very strict spam policy and the best possible tools to ensure email delivery, we cannot guarantee that email always gets delivered to the recipient's inbox.
Many professional (company or enterprise) email systems are built on services such as Microsoft Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange, where most non-personal email messages are rated as less qualified for inbox delivery by default.
What can I do to help with delivery?
Email inside your company
If you are sending most of your Lyyti email messages to your own colleagues, you may run into some issues with professional email environments, such as Microsoft Office 365. Those systems are very cautious by default, when it comes to delivering email that is marked as sent from the same domain ( as the system itself uses to send email. To the system, this may seem even more suspicious than many spam emails. However, correct whitelisting (a method of marking communication from certain addresses as safe) generally fixes this issue.
With Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange mail services we recommend whitelisting Lyyti's sending IPs to guarantee proper email delivery. We recommend sending the following link to your IT, with the following IPs.
Configuring Office 365 whitelists:
Lyyti's sending IP addresses:
Third-party recipients
Popular email service providers
We're constantly working together with mail services such as Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail and Yahoo to ensure that our email receives the best possible delivery rates. These services usually do not have issues, but we're more than happy to assist you if you suspect a delivery issue.
Professional email services
Sometimes email to third-party recipients does not get delivered. This is often due to the security settings at the recipient's end. We recommend contacting our support to investigate possible issues with such services. Many professional email services filter marketing email and event invites by default, or treat them as bulk email. Such email may be delivered to the recipient's junk mail folder instead of their inbox, depending on configuration.
What can I do to help with delivery?
Recipient list quality
Only send email to high quality recipient lists. This means ensuring that your recipient lists are up to date, and only contain people who you know to be genuinely interested in receiving your messages. A good rule of thumb is that they should have showed interest in your messages within the past year (eg. read, replied, clicked links). If the email address is no longer in use, or even worse, belongs to someone else now, the sender's reputation (and therefore also email delivery rate) suffers. Also, remember that we do not allow purchased or third-party lists, and the same is true for most modern email systems. For more information, see the article on updated email lists.
Some general message content tips
Avoid keywords that relate to money, drugs, or anything that may be related to topics that are often used in spam email.
Always aim to have at least as much text as there are images.
Avoid highlighting text, and use bolding and other effects in moderation.
The more your message looks like a personal message rather than a sales advert, the better!
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