Event messaging is a big and important part of the event, and there are many steps in the messaging where you can utilise Lyyti. You can start with Save the date-messages, continue with invitations and reminders, information on the event as the due date is nearing, reminders to show up to the event, all the way to thank you messages and links to a survey on how the event was perceived. You can personalise your messages, write them in your words and make them personal for each participant, while you filter the messages to be sent so specific participants depending on their status or answers to questions. Read on and I'll tell you all about it!
Personalising messages
Personalising a message means that you can add different variables to your message, and the variable changes depending on the recipient. The most typical personalisation is the first greeting, something like
"Hi [First name]!" or "Best [First name, Last name].
In Lyyti you can personalise the participant's name, email, registration link, mobile ticket or additional information to the message.
Personalising an email
This example uses personalisations: Participant's first name (%PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME%) and your Event's name: (%EVENT_NAME%):
Write the text content to your message and add personalisation texts by clicking the word.
With the help of participant details your message feels more personal.
Event information will include e.g. event name and time of your event.
Personalising the registration page
On the registration page you can find a link where you can see the personalisations for these sections of the messaging. Copy the code and add it to the registration page. In this example we've added participant's first name on the registration page.
Please note that the personalisations only work, if you've imported the participant's information into Lyyti (see instructions here) and are using a personal registration link.
Personalising the confirmation message
The enhanced confirmation messaging editor works similarly to the messaging editor. See more detailed instructions here
When the message is sent, Lyyti will find the information from the participant info. If you want to test the personalisation, you can add yourself as a participant and send the confirmation message to yourself through your participant information. Instructions here :) More information on personalising the confirmation message can be found here.
Targeting the message to the right recipients
In Lyyti you can filter the recipient list by the participant status (registered, not reacted and so on), by the participant type and also by how the participants have answered specific questions. You can pick out the participants who've opted for the steak for dinner, since you've added an extra question for them on whether they want their steaks to be raw, medium or well done. You can send reminder messages to those who haven't reacted to your invitation and have the status not reacted in Lyyti, and you can send a reminder message the morning of the event with the venue address and parking/bus instructions to all those who've registered and are coming to the event from another city.
To add recipients to your message, click on the Recipients-field when you've created a message.
Adding recipients using filters
You can send e-mails to recipients matching certain conditions at a given time. This way you can for example choose all registered participants or all guests from a certain organisation, who additionally have signed up for a certain workshop. At the time of sending Lyyti checks, which participants match the conditions and only sends the e-mail to those.
Participants can be filtered according to:
- Answers to questions (instructions here)
- Quick filters
- Participants with a certain status, e.g. registered
- Participants with a certain language in multilingual events
- Participants of a certain type in events with participant types
After applying the filter you can see the condition tree on the left, whereas the participant list on the right changes accordingly. After you have added the conditions and you want to choose the participants matching the conditions as recipients for your message, click Add filtered recipients.
When you're done with this, click on Add filtered recipients in the lower right corner.
After adding the recipients they are shown in the Recipients field.
Recipients matching the filter criteria at the time of sending:
The most important part of the message - delivery
The most important part of all messaging is that they are successfully delivered. When a message is delivered to the recipient, the receiving email program will check the message. If it finds something odd in the message, the message might not come through. Things that impact the delivery are:
- The email sender reputation as seen by the receiving email system
- The quality of the email receiver lists
Email sender reputation
When you send messages from Lyyti, the technical sender of those emails is the domain lyyti.com. The sender's own domain is something quite different, like company.com. This might seem suspicious to the receiving email, and that is why you need to verify your domain to Lyyti. With the verification you are telling the receiving email system that it doesn't need to worry, your domain is ok with Lyyti sending messages in your name. The receiving email system will trust your message and let it through. Read more on verifying your domain here.
Quality of email receiver list
A good quality list of recipients means that your email lists don't have outdated emails, or addresses that you're not permitted to send emails to. Purchased e-mail lists are absolutely prohibited as receiver lists. When sending e-mails from Lyyti, each send-out affects also Lyyti's general sender reputation and thus the sender reputation and delivery of all of our customers' e-mails. Maintaining up-to-date e-mail list is crucial to both Lyyti as a company and to an individual Lyyti user, since bounce rates affect all of us in the e-mail world. In a worst case scenario, your organisation's e-mail sender reputation can be tarnished and your e-mails won't be delivered anymore. With better sender reputation, your messages are more apt to be let through various e-mail systems. Please make sure your email lists are up to date. More information can be found here.
Remember that your message is competing for the attention with all other information and messaging the participant receives in their daily life. Don't assume that the participants will try and find out information on their own, or that they are interested in reading about things not related to them in any way.
Offer the participants information in bite size bits, in targeted messaging in a personalised way. Remember to remind your participants on the most important thing about your event, just before the event.
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