With charts you can:
- download a png version of the chart (graphic charts only)
- hide the chart from the report by clicking the eye icon
- edit the chart's settings by clicking the pen icon
In the editing mode you can:
- Change the type of the chart. Note: Column and bar charts are only available for multiple choice and menu questions.
- Give a title for the chart.
- Set the height of the chart as pixels. If your answer options include a lot of text, you can heighten it to show more information and prevent text from overlapping.
- Hide or show the series title underneath the chart. The series title is automatically shortened, so that the graph looks neater.
- Select whether or not to show the legend, i.e. the explanations for the chart colors.
- Hide the chart from the report.
In a scale of values question, you can set whether to show the absolute (numerical) or percentual values.
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