This feature can be used with the following license packs: Starter, Basic, Professional, Enterprise
A participant report is an efficient and simple way to share information from Lyyti: just create a report and share the URL of the report to your colleagues. Participant reports always show up-to-date information when the report page is opened or when the page is refreshed. No separate registration or logging in to Lyyti is needed to be able to see the participant report, you just need to share the participant report's URL. Having a participant report available lets everyone who's involved with your event production stay up to date, which makes your work easier.
You can create all the necessary reports right when you are creating a new event in Lyyti - the information from your participants will show in the reports as participants update their information. Forget manual updating in Excel and use participant reports instead!
Create participant report
Go to your event, click Reports in the left hand side menu and choose Create participant report.
- Choose the information you want added to the report. You have the possibility to choose from:
- All the questions you have on your registration page
- All the specific information about your participants.
- Choose according to which question you want to sort the information in the report e.g. name, time of registration or status.
- You have the option to filter information in the report, e.g. if you only want a list of the people who are going to be attending lunch.
Please note! You can not change the filters for the report afterwards, to change filters you will have to create a new report. - At the bottom of the page, select participants to the report i.e. choose a target group of whom you would like create the report (or name badges), e.g. participants. You can also create a report of participants on the waiting list or, in group registrations, you can create a report of contact persons only.
- Next, click Generate.
In this particular view click Create online report.
Next, give the actual information for the online report:
- Give a name for the report, e.g. The attendees. The name is for identification purposes and will only appear on the Reports page.
- Specify the expiration date for the report. The default setting is that a report will expire seven days after the event date.
- Add the basic information of the event to the report so it is more clear to everyone involved which event the report considers.
- Allow exporting the report into Excel.
- You can protect your report with a password. A password is hardly ever needed since the reports web address is generated automatically and consists of several random characters, so no one can possibly guess it.
- Description of the report. You can specify what the report is all about and give your colleagues instructions about what to use it for. Here, it might be worth mentioning that refreshing the page will show the updated information, especially if those who see the report are unfamiliar with Lyyti online reporting.
Finally click Create report in the bottom right corner.
7. Lyyti creates the report name automatically as Online report: *event name*
8. When the report is no longer needed or no more registrations will be coming in, you can (if needed) create an Excel-file of the report, or print a listing of all participants (each on their own page).
9. The online report will always be up to date whenever it's opened or refreshed. If you wish to reorganize the report by columns, just click on the column you want to reorganize by.
Lyyti automatically creates a link for the report and saves the report on the page Reports. The link can then be sent to those concerned, or be saved as a bookmark in your browser. When someone clicks the link, the report will open in the browser. Every time the link is opened the report will show the status of the event. This way you don’t have to log in to Lyyti to get updated information, you can just check the participant report instead.
- You can view all your online reports in Reports, found in the lefthand menu.
- The address of the online report can be copy-pasted straight away.
- The Open icon opens the report in your browser.
- The column Type refers to the status of the participants (attending, declined) that have been included in the report.
- The Expiring column shows when a certain online report link will stop being active. The report will always stay in Lyyti and can be be re-activated.
- In the Active column you can see if the online report is active or not.
- You can edit the report's settings by clicking the pen icon.
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