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L'intégration Salesforce-Lyyti est disponible pour les licences Professional et Enterprise.
In this article you'll find frequently asked questions and answers about Lyyti - Salesforce integration. This article is great for tips as well.
There is also a separate Troubleshooting section for the most common errors in Salesforce Integration - and how to solve them
Q: Which Salesforce editions are compatible with the integration?
A: The integration uses Salesforce API, which is included in the Enterprise and Developer editions. API access can also be purchased separately to the Professional Edition
Q: Which Salesforce objects does the integration use?
A: Below you will find a description
Campaigns* – is equal to one Lyyti event
Campaign Members* – is equal to a Lyyti participant. One lead or contact can be a campaign member in multiple campaigns. The campaign member status refers to the participant status in Lyyti.
Contacts* - A person linked to an Account. A contact can be a campaign member in multiple campaigns.
Leads** - A person in the early stage of the sales process. A lead can be a campaign member in multiple campaigns. Usually only qualified leads move on to be Accounts and Contacts
Accounts* - Not directly related to the integration, but a contact is by default related to an Account.
Lyyti |
Salesforce |
Event |
Campaign |
Invitee / participant |
Campaign Member linked to a Lead, Contact |
Participant status |
Campaign member status |
**Mandatory if integration creates new records to Salesforce
The integration works with person accounts, however in the integration, these are considered as Contacts.
Q: Can I create a campaign template in Salesforce that I can use in Lyyti events?
A: Yes, this is a good practice. Be sure to ask your Salesforce admin to add the Clone with related button to your campaign layout (included in the Spring '20 release) so that you don’t need to add the statues every time you create a campaign related to a Lyyti event. Campaign member statuses need to be named exactly as mapped in the integration settings in Lyyti.
Tip: You can add a new campaign type to Lyyti events or set parent campaign(s) to your Lyyti-related campaigns to help your campaign reporting.
Q: Does the integration work when registration with companion is in use?
A: Yes, with the following restrictions:
- Email address needs to be a mandatory field in Lyyti also for companions
- All mandatory fields in new/existing records need to be taken into account also with companions (just like normal participants).
Q: Does the integration work with group registration?
A: Yes, with the following restrictions:
- Only contact persons can be imported from a Salesforce campaign to a Lyyti event
- Only group members (or contact persons who are also group members) are synced back from Lyyti to Salesforce
Q: Does the integration work with Lyyti events with multiple languages
A: Yes, with the following exception: If the event in Lyyti has multiple languages and multiple choice questions in use, note that only the values with the language corresponding to the language used in Salesforce are updated (unless the Salesforce picklist field value set is not restricted – however values in a different language are considered as separate values).
Integration settings in Lyyti
Integration tab
Q: What is the custom login address?
A: If you want to connect a specific Salesforce environment (e.g. Sandbox), you can add its login URL here. If you use a custom domain in your Salesforce environment, be sure to add it as a custom login address.
One way to be sure that you connect the desired Salesforce environment is to have it open on one tab while logged in and connect the integration within Lyyti in another tab. The Salesforce environment where you are already logged in is chosen by default.
Q: With what kind of a user account should I login with?
A: If you have a specific account used in integrations, this is preferable. This way, when updating and creating records, the timestamp will show this user as the creator / editor, implicating that this has happened because of the integration.
You can also use any Salesforce account with sufficient permissions to manage campaigns, campaign members, leads and contacts.
Settings tab
Q: What does the Export to Salesforce selection mean?
A: When this is selected, the registration status in Lyyti is synced back to Salesforce. We recommend to map all Lyyti statues with a corresponding Salesforce campaign member status.
Q: What are Sent and Responded campaign member statuses?
A: These are the default campaign member statuses in Salesforce. You can use them, but we recommend creating new statuses specifically for the Lyyti integration.
Q: Why should participants new to Salesforce be created as leads and not contacts?
A: Generally, the lead object fits the purpose better. When creating new contacts, the related Account is defined through a lookup field (list of accounts) instead an open text field. The lookup field accepts values only matching to an exact account name. Usually a contact needs to have a relationship with an account and is therefore mandatory information.
In Lyyti, the Company / Organization field is always an open text field (i.e. Lyyti has no register of companies / organizations), so this can't be 100 % matched to a lookup field, unless the wording is exactly as it is on the Salesforce account.
When updating existing contacts, if the account is already specified, this information does not need to be considered in the integration.
Q: How can I add Campaign Member Statuses so that I can map them?
A: Lyyti fetches all Campaign Member Statuses added to any campaign. Therefore adding the statuses to a single campaign is enough.
Q: Am I free to choose the names of the Lyyti-corresponding campaign member statuses on Salesforce?
A: Yes, but you need to use the same set of names in each Lyyti-related campaign.
Fields tab
Q: What does the Update selection mean for each field?
A: When this is checked, the integration will update the value for the field for existing records. If this selection is not checked, this is done only for new records.
Q: What kind of information would be useful to update from Lyyti to Salesforce?
A: This depends on what type of information, according to the latest Lyyti registration, would help you in keeping your CRM up-to-date. However, use cases are usually rather limited.
The best example is the Lyyti field Job Title. This information might change through time and Salesforce might not have the latest information updated. However, the latest Lyyti registration might have the latest job title. By default, these are open text fields both in Salesforce and Lyyti.
Q: What information can I import from Salesforce to Lyyti?
A: First name, Last name, Email, Mobile phone number, Organization, Job title (if this information is available). As long as an invitation with a personal registration link is sent from Lyyti, these fields are pre-populated.
Q: What information can I retrieve from a Lyyti participant to the Salesforce contact / lead / campaign member?
A: You can map Lyyti Standard Questions (included in the participant’s registration page) with custom open text fields or picklists in contact / lead / campaign member objects. These standard questions can be hidden from the participants so that only a Lyyti user can update it.
Supported field types when updating data from Lyyti to Salesforce
Lyyti Standard Question type |
Recommended Salesforce field type |
Short text field |
Any text field |
Long text field |
Any text field |
Dropdown |
Picklist |
Phone Number |
Phone* |
Date |
Date* |
Quantity |
(Not Supported) |
Multiple choice (choose one) |
Picklist |
Multiple choice (choose many) |
(Not supported) |
*When format matches
Q: The campaign member status has not been updated in Salesforce - what’s wrong?
- Check that the mapping is correct
- Check that the Export to Salesforce selection is active
- Check that the Salesforce campaign has exactly the correct campaign member statuses included
Q: A new lead was not created or an existing lead/contact was not updated – what’s wrong?
- Some information needed to create a new lead or to edit an existing lead/contact is probably missing. Check that your Lyyti event has all the necessary registration page fields or add a default value for these fields in the Fields tab to ensure the sync.
- Check that your mapping includes only supported field types
Q: I can't see my Salesforce campaign in Lyyti - what's wrong?
A: Only campaigns set as Active are visible in Lyyti. If the Active field is not available, check if your Salesforce admin could add it.
Q: The integration has been connected but no campaign member statuses are available to choose.
A: Your custom login address might be invalid. If you use a custom domain in your Salesforce environment, be sure to add it as a custom login address.
One way to be sure that the connection works is to login to the desired Salesforce environment on one tab and connect the integration within Lyyti in another tab. The Salesforce environment where you are already logged in is chosen by default.
Q: We have leads and/or contacts with the same email address in Salesforce. How do things work then?
A: First of all, you could use Duplicate Rules in Salesforce to minimize the amount of duplicates if it helps. In Lyyti, you can also set that you can register only once with a single email address. However, if multiple records with the same email address as a Lyyti participant are found in Salesforce and updating existing records is in use, all of these contacts or leads are fetched and the following prioritization is applied:
- If the match exists as a contact and a lead, the contact will be prioritized
- If the match has the same first name as the participant, it will be prioritized
- If the match has the same last name as the participant, it will be prioritized
- The lead or contact with the highest priority will be updated
Updating is done only once per participant, i.e. only one record is updated.
Q: Campaign Member Statuses are not visible in my campaign. How can I add it?
A: You need to add the Campaign Member Statuses related list to the Campaign layout: Setup -> Object Manager -> Campaign -> Layouts -> Choose the layout used -> add the related list Campaign Member Statuses to the layout.
If you can’t access this view, ask your admin to add the related list.
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