Company Settings is a section that can be accessed by company admin users only. To find out who is/are admin user(s) in your company, simply have a look in My account, where they are listed.
In Company Settings, you can:
- Verifying your company's domain name, i.e. define that your company's e-mail address (e.g. john.doe(a) can be used as the sender address of an e-mail sent from Lyyti. If the domain is not verified, the e-mail will be sent from
- Enable the use of Google analytics tools in your company's events. These tools make it very easy for you to track and analyse traffic and user behaviour on your Lyyti registration pages and event sites.
- Add a privacy policy to be shown on your company's event registration pages and e-mails sent from Lyyti.
- Anonymise participant data, i.e. Basic GDPR features. Anonymise all data of an individual participant found in Lyyti (with small exeptions regarding payments, for example). If you have Lyyti's more advanced GDPR feature called Compliance center, the section Anonymise participant data won't be visible under Company settings.
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