Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
This feature can be used with the following license packs: Starter, Basic, Professional and Enterprise.
Experience Value Score, or EVS for short, helps event organisers better understand the impact of their events. The aim is to unify the measuring of event success, despite event types - what is important is if the participants felt the event was worth their time.
EVS enables comparison between events and provides the event industry with a standard and comparable way to measure events. A simple numeric value and open feedback from participants complement each other. Comparing the figure within the organisation and between organisations allows you to see clearly where your events are heading at! With a unified way of measuring, you will get answers that haven't been provided before.
In Lyyti you have three different ways of using the EVS-survey.
- Anonymous EVS (connected to your event)
- Participant EVS (connected to your event, not anonymous)
- Pulse EVS (not connected to your event)
When a EVS survey is sent to participants after the event the answers will tell how they felt their time in the event was spent. Did they feel the event was worth the time they spent or would they have rather spent their valuable time in another way? EVS shows results in an easily understood scale - the score is calculated taking into consideration the amount of high and low values.
This article contains the following sections:
EVS in practice
- You'll find EVS field in the lefthand menu inside of your event.
- In the Dashboard section you will find feedbacks and answers in numeric score
- The Survey preview lets you preview the way your EVS survey looks and feels
- Settings lets you manage your EVS preferences:
By selecting "Send", the EVS feedback survey will be sent to participants when the event ends. You can also select if you wish to gather the data anonymously or not anonymously. Lastly time to define if the survey is sent to both registered and attending participants, or just those who have been marked as attending.
N.B. the EVS-survey is enabled by default in all new events that have been created after the 16th of November, 2020.
If your event is e.g. a form, or it is not appropriate to ask for feedback for your event, you can change the settings to Don't send and that way the EVS survey is not sent after your event has ended.
- After the event has ended, Lyyti will send a message to all participants who are either registered and attending or just attending, regarding on the choice you've made in the EVS settings (see #1 of this article). In the survey the participants can answer if they thought their time was well spent in the event.
The participant answers with a smiley (on a scale from 1 to 5, strongly disagree - strongly agree). They can also share what affected their rating by giving open feedback.
- On the EVS Dashboard you'll find all the feedbacks and answers in numeric scores.
- The overall score is 0-100.
- You can see your organisation's average EVS and compare it to other organisations.
- If you organise different types of events (online, hybrid or in-person), you can compare those scores on a deeper level, to see which events are doing well and what type of events still need improving.
- Scores / smileys are:
- 5: high score
- 3-4: neutral scores
- 1-2: low scores
Share EVS results
Collaborate with your colleagues, supervisors or third-parties by sharing your EVS score with them. Lyyti provides you with a shareable online report link with up-to-date information.
To share EVS results, click on the Share button at the top right corner.
- Activate the sharing link, so that anyone with the sharing link can view the report
- You can share the Full dashboard or select what parts of the dashboard you wish to share
- EVS score and score comparison
- Responses
- Comments
- Click Copy link to copy the report's link that you can share
The results can be viewed as long as the sharing link is activated. Once it is activated, you'll see a Sharing label in the Dashboard view.
The report is always shown in the viewer's browser language. If the browser language is not one of Lyyti's supported languages, it will be shown in English. The viewer also has the option to change the report's language.
Follow up-surveys
Follow-up surveys are available starting from the Basic license-plan
Users can add follow-up surveys to their EVS surveys. This allows a redirect of EVS survey responders to a secondary survey to collect further feedback from the event.
You can add the follow-up surveys from the Survey Editor. Click on 3. Thank-you page in the left-hand side menu to add a link to your follow-up survey.
How is the EVS calculated?
- Calculate the percentage of high scores relative to the total number of answers. We'll call this %high.
- Calculate the percentage of low scores relative to the total number of answers. We'll call this %low.
- Subtract the %low from the %high, then add 100 to the number.
- Divide the outcome by two, then round it down to the closest integer (number).
(%high - %low + 100) / 2 = EVS
N.B. The EVS scale is always positive, so if you have e.g. 1 low score (33%) and 2 neutral scores (66%) and 0 high scores, the EVS is 33:
(0-33)+100 = 67
67/2=33,5 which is rounded down to 33 (EVS).
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