Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
This feature can be used with the following license packs: Basic, Professional and Enterprise.
This article explains how registration and invitation sending work in Lyyti when different participant types are used in an event.
The article includes the following sections:
- Registration when an event has different participant types
- Communication for different participant types
Registration when an event has different participant types
Participants can register for an event either via an open or a personal registration link. In Lyyti, open registration links can be found on the Registration link page.
Open registration link
With an open registration link (1), the registrant can select the most suitable public participant type. Non-public participant types are not visible through the open link. The public visibility setting for a participant type is defined on the Settings page (see instructions on participant types).
You can also create alternative registration links (2) for different participant types. This ensures that registrants cannot choose their own participant type. Separate registration links can be created for both public and non-public participant types. If all participant types are non-public, there is no single open registration link for the event; instead, each participant type has its own registration link. This feature is useful when marketing your event to different target audiences through different channels.
Selecting a Participant Type in Group Registration
With an open link, the contact person can select which public participant type they are registering participants under. Alternatively, you can use a specific registration link intended for a non-public participant type, just as in individual registration.
In group registration, you can exceptionally choose which participant types are visible to a particular group (if the group is already listed in the Participants section). For example, a person receiving a free ticket can later add paid tickets for others in their group. To enable this, go to:
Participants page > Find group > Edit > All public participant types: Edit > Select the desired participant types > Save.
Personal Registration Link
If you send invitations via Lyyti, you can pre-define each participant's participant type. This means that the participant will not be able to choose their own type.
Adding a participant type when adding an individual participant:
You can also add a participant type when importing an Excel list of participants into Lyyti. Import participants in batches, one participant type at a time, so that you can specify their participant type during the import process.
This way, Lyyti recognizes the participant type from the personal registration link and automatically directs the invitee to the corresponding registration page.
Communication for Different Participant Types
Email messages and invitations from Lyyti
When importing an invitation list into Lyyti, you can choose whether to pre-define participant types for individuals. You can also pre-define participant types for a specific group (e.g., staff members) and invite them through Lyyti, while another group (e.g., invited guests) can use the open registration link to select their participant type from the available public options.
Create an invitation as usual in Lyyti's Communication section and include a personal registration link in the message (see additional instructions here).
Once registration has closed, you can send targeted messages only to specific participant types from Lyyti. Filter recipients by participant type (see additional instructions here).
Note! If your event only has non-public participant types, you must define the participant type either during the Excel import or manually on the Participants page. Otherwise, Lyyti will not know which registration page to send to each invitee.
Personalizing confirmation messages by participant type
The introductory text of the confirmation message cannot be customized for different participant types. However, you can create participant type-specific notice texts on the registration page and include them in the confirmation message. These notice texts will appear in the Participant details section of the confirmation message alongside the participant’s responses.
Ensure that the notice texts are in the correct location on the registration page. If needed, you can hide the notice text on the registration page so that it only appears in the confirmation message.
Adding a notice text for a specific participant type:
Add a notice text on the registration page.
To hide the notice text from the registration page, uncheck the language option next to Who can see this question?
Select which participant types the notice text should be shown to, then save.
Drag the notice text to the correct location on the registration page.
Go to the event’s Confirmation page and include the notice text in the confirmation message:
Automatic content > Participant details > Dropdown menu: Choose what to show > Check all newly created notices to include them in the confirmation message.
Notice text fields will only be displayed in the confirmation message for the specific participant types they were assigned to on the registration page settings.
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