Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.
In event communication, the main focus should be on what the eye sees. An event that is visually well planned:
- creates positive expectations
- adds to the event's value from the participant's point of view.
Please remember that visuality also means readability and efficiency, so make sure that the abundance of visual elements doesn't distract or disturb the participant's registration process.
Visuality in Lyyti
In Lyyti, you have a few possibilities to modify event visuality: design, layout, additional images and text formatting.
Visual elements on the registration page:
- Design: Defines the general visual side of the registration process (navigation bar, registration form's background colour and image, colour of the form itself, headings, fonts, buttons.., marked with an A in the image below).
Layout: Consists of a top and bottom banner. "B" in the image below.
- Images and text formatting: You can add additional images to the registration page and format text to your liking.
Layouts consist of a top and bottom banner. You can create layouts for both the registration page and e-mails. Use the layout's images to communicate the event's target, atmosphere or contents, or to make your brand known.
Layouts are not made in Lyyti, but users upload ready-made images (banners). Create banners with e.g. Power Point or Paint, if you are not familiar with other graphics programs. Once you have all the images in correct sizes (recommended with 800 pixels), upload the image into Lyyti (click here to see how to add layouts into Lyyti).
Your events are not supposed to look like ours, but that they are your company's events. Visuality is a big part of building your brand and trust.
You can get a tailored design into Lyyti. This means that all elements on the registration page will follow your website's or brand design. With the design you can define: fonts and colours, headings, button colours and shading, and background image of the registration page. Designs also work on mobile devices.
Designs are a tailored according to our customers' needs, but you can also order a separate designer license to create designs with CSS (a style sheet language) yourself. This feature can be used with the following license packs: Professional and Enterprise. Please contact Lyyti's customer service for more details.
General designs in Lyyti
Lyyti offers ready-made designs that can be used freely:
- Newspaper
- Ocean green
- Wildlife
- Soft
- Purple
- Green tiles
- Blue crystals
- Minimalist
- Dark mural
- Gray mural
- Neutral grey
These designs are available to all our customers and thus cannot be edited.
Using designs
You can use designs with registration page layouts. In Lyyti, go to Materials > Layouts to create a new or edit an existing layout (if you have rights to edit the layout in question). You have the following designs at your disposal:
- Your company's own designs
- General designs
Images and text formatting
Even the greatest event is visually bland if texts are not written and modified clearly. Since the registration page's main objective is to cause action, i.e. make the registrant register to the event, it is very important to make texts easy to read. The easiest way to do this is to use Lyyti's automatic styles. The most commonly used are Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 and Normal.
In addition to styles, you can:
- add colours
- add images to the registration page (upload images into Lyyti's material bank and import images via the Image button; click here for more instructions.)
- Headings: Heading 2 is an excellent choice for the main title.
- Font: Make sure the font is readable and clear.
- Font size: Emphasize important parts or the registration page's opening text and select size 14, for example.
- Text colour: Select a colour that matches the event's layout. Make sure it doesn't compromise readability.
- Add image: In addition to layouts, you can add other images to the registration page or thank-you page.
Remember to make use of other styling options: bold, italics, lists and justifying text.
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