Please be aware that Lyyti is developed constantly and your view might not match 100% with the view described in this article.Â
Text messages are a highly efficient way to remind your participants about the upcoming event and reduce no show. Text messages reach your audience easily also during the event, in case there are sudden changes in the program or you wish to guide your participants to the right workshop on time. Participants like to be taken care of! :)
It is important to ask the standard question about phone number on the registration page in order to send SMS messages from Lyyti. If the phone number is not asked using the standard question the SMS will not reach the participants.
Please note that the text messages are not included in Lyyti's fixed fee. Read more here.
First, choose which event you'd like to send the message from. Then click Messaging on the side menu > SMS messages > Create SMS.
SMS sender and recipients
- Sender's name or phone number: Who is the sender? A name can be max. 11 characters long (e.g. your organization or event's name) or you can use a real mobile phone number (max. 15 digits). If you use a real number, eg. your own, the recipient can reply to the message and you'll receive the replies to your mobile phone like any other text messages.Â
- Internal note: this is your own note about the message, eg. "Reminder for the participants on seminar morning" or "Thank you -message" or "Mobile tickets". It is not visible to the recipients.Â
- Choose the recipient by clicking the Message recipient(s)Â field. A new screen opens in which you can choose the recipients by a certain factor (filtering) or one by one:
- Filter your recipients by question, eg. only those who have chosen workshop number 3.
- Quick filters are the easiest and the most commonly used filters. Choose the status to which you want to send the message. In "Reminder for the participants on seminar morning" -sms, choose "Status: Participants".
- In case you want to send the sms to certain people that don't have any filters in common (status or a question), click Choose individual participants and select the recipients from the list.
At the end, click Add recipients -button on the bottom of the page.
Message content and personalisation
It's time to write your message and to choose appropriate personalizations from the drop down menus:
Event information: personalisation makes your messages easier to copy from event to another
Participant information: personalisation gives your messages a more personal and welcoming touch. In Participant information you'll find also cancellation links or mobile tickets for your reminders.
Special characters in SMS messages
Special characters such as emojis and other characters or text that is pasted to the message, might impact on the length of the message. Special characters can make the message longer that usual. You can see the length of the message under the text editor. If the message is too long, it cannot be sent.Â
Send or schedule your SMS
When your message is ready, you can save it as draft, send it as a test message, schedule the sending for later or send it right away.
If you are sending it as a test message, select the participant whose information will be shown in the message and give the recipient's number (eg. your own) in international form (eg. +4471234567). Please note that if your number is both the sender and the recipient number, it's possible that your phone won't let the message through. You can send a test to your colleague, or change the sender's number temporarily - in which case just remember to change the right sender's number back before the actual sending.
 If you have chosen the recipients by filter (eg. Status: Participants) and you schedule sending for later, Lyyti will re-check the recipient list and select everyone whose status is "Participant" at the moment of sending. This means that you can plan and schedule your whole event communication in advance and let Lyyti's automation take care or the rest!
The pricing of SMS messages
Text messages / SMS confirmation messages are invoiced every 3 months, the minimum invoice-able fee is 20€ and if that is not achieved the sum will be bumped to the next invoice.Â
One message costs 0,11 € per recipient and 160 characters count for one message. When you write an SMS, you can include 5 messages in one SMS - thus, this message would cost 0,55 € per recipient.Â
The length of one text message is counted as follows:
- 0-160 characters = 1 message
- 161-306 characters = 2Â messages
- 307-459 characters = 3 messages
- 460-612 characters = 4 messages
- 613-765 characters = 5 messages
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